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SCS5 Migration Hints (Outdated)


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Bull's new cluster software is called SCS 5 (Super Computing Suite). Here are the major changes from the user's perspective:

Software Old New
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.x 7.x
Linux kernel 2.26 3.10
glibc 2.12 2.17
InfiniBand stack OpenIB Mellanox
Lustre client 2.5 2.10

Host Keys

Due to the new operating system, the host keys of the login nodes have also changed. If you have logged into tauruslogin6 before and still have the old one saved in your known_hosts file, just remove it and accept the new one after comparing its fingerprint with those listed under Login.

Using Software Modules

Starting with SCS5, we do not support C environment modules anymore. We only provide Lmod as the environment module tool of choice. Refer to the module page for further information on modules.

As usual, you can get a list of the available software modules via:

module available
# or short:
ml av

There is a special module that is always loaded (sticky) called release. It determines the modules you can use.

Module Environment Description Status
release/23.04 Release of April 2023 default
release/23.10 Release of October 2023

Compilers, MPI-Libraries and Toolchains

Since we are mainly using EasyBuild to install software now, we are following their toolchain schemes.

We mostly install software using the "intel" toolchain, because in most cases, the resulting code performs best on our Intel-based architectures. There are alternatives like GCC (foss), PGI or Clang/LLVM though.

Generally speaking, the toolchains in this new environment are separated into more parts (modules) than you will be used to, coming from modenv/classic. A full toolchain, like "intel", "foss" or "iomkl" consists of several sub-modules making up the layers of

  • compilers
  • MPI library
  • math library (providing BLAS/LAPACK/FFT routines etc.)

For instance, the "intel" toolchain has the following structure:

Toolchain intel
Compilers icc, ifort
MPI library impi
Math. library imkl

On the other hand, the "foss" toolchain looks like this:

Toolchain foss
Compilers GCC (gcc, gfortran)
MPI library OpenMPI
Math. libraries OpenBLAS, FFTW

If you want to combine the Intel compilers and MKL with OpenMPI, you'd have to use the "iomkl" toolchain:

Toolchain iomkl
Compilers icc, ifort
MPI library OpenMPI
Math library imkl

There are also subtoolchains that skip a layer or two, e.g. "iccifort" only consists of the respective compilers, same as "GCC". Then there is "iompi" that includes Intel compilers+OpenMPI but no math library, etc.

What is this "GCCcore" I keep seeing and how does it relate to "GCC"?

GCCcore includes only the compilers/standard libraries of the GNU compiler collection but without "binutils". It is used as a dependency for many modules without getting in the way, e.g. the Intel compilers also rely on libstdc++ from GCC, but you don't want to load two compiler modules at the same time, so "intel" also depends on "GCCcore". You can think of it as more of a runtime dependency rather than a full-fledged compiler toolchain. If you want to compile your own code with the GNU compilers, you have to load the module: "GCC" instead, "GCCcore" won't be enough.

There are ongoing discussions in the EasyBuild community to maybe change this in the future in order to avoid the potential confusion this GCCcore module brings with it.

I have been using "bullxmpi" so far, where can I find it?

bullxmpi was more or less a rebranded OpenMPI 1.6 with some additions from Bull. It is not supported anymore and Bull has abandoned it in favor of a standard OpenMPI 2.0.2 build as their default in SCS5. You should migrate your code to our OpenMPI module or maybe even try Intel MPI instead.

Where have the analysis tools from Intel Parallel Studio XE gone?

Since "intel" is only a toolchain module now, it does not include the entire Parallel Studio anymore. Tools like the Intel Advisor, Inspector, Trace Analyzer or VTune Amplifier are available as separate modules now:

Product Module
Intel Advisor Advisor
Intel Inspector Inspector
Intel Trace Analyzer itac
Intel VTune Amplifier VTune