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Python Virtual Environments

Virtual environments allow users to install additional Python packages and create an isolated run-time environment. We recommend using virtualenv for this purpose. In your virtual environment, you can use packages from the modules list or if you didn't find what you need you can install required packages with the command: pip install. With the command pip list, you can see a list of all installed packages and their versions.


Note that you cannot install additional Python packages with pip without an activated virtual environment on our systems. Doing so will abort with the following error error:

ERROR: Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).

There are two methods of how to work with virtual environments on ZIH systems:

  1. virtualenv is a standard Python tool to create isolated Python environments. It is the preferred interface for managing installations and virtual environments on ZIH system and part of the Python modules.

  2. conda is an alternative method for managing installations and virtual environments on ZIH system. conda is an open-source package management system and environment management system from Anaconda. The conda manager is included in all versions of Anaconda and Miniconda.


Keep in mind that you cannot use virtualenv for working with the virtual environments previously created with conda tool and vice versa! Prefer virtualenv whenever possible.

Python Virtual Environment

This example shows how to start working with virtualenv and Python virtual environment (using the module system).


We recommend to use workspaces for your virtual environments.

At first, we check available Python modules and load the preferred version:

[marie@login.barnard ~]$ module load release/23.10 GCCcore/11.3.0
Module GCCcore/11.3.0 loaded.
[marie@login.barnard ~]$ module avail Python # check available Python modules

---------------------------- Software build with Compiler GCCcore version 11.3.0 (HMNS Level Two) -----------------------------
   flatbuffers-python/2.0    pkgconfig/1.5.5-python    protobuf-python/4.21.9 (D)    Python/3.10.4-bare
   IPython/8.5.0             protobuf-python/3.19.4    Python/2.7.18-bare            Python/3.10.4      (D)

   D:  Default Module
   *Module:  Some Toolchain, load to access other modules that depend on it
   >Module:  Recommended toolchain version, load to access other modules that depend on it

[marie@login.barnard ~]$ module load Python # load default Python
Module Python/3.10.4 and 11 dependencies loaded.
[marie@login.barnard ~]$ which python # check with version you are Python version you are using

Then create the virtual environment and activate it.

[marie@login.barnard ~]$ ws_allocate python_virtual_environment 1
Info: creating workspace.
remaining extensions  : 10
remaining time in days: 1
[marie@login.barnard ~]$ python3 -m venv --system-site-package /data/horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment # create a Python virtual environment
[marie@login.barnard ~]$ source /data/horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/bin/activate
(marie-python_virtual_environment) [marie@login.barnard ~]$ python --version
Python 3.10.4

Now you can work in this isolated environment, without interfering with other tasks running on the system. Note that the inscription (env) at the beginning of each line represents that you are in the virtual environment. You can deactivate the environment as follows:

(env) marie@compute$ deactivate    #Leave the virtual environment

This is an example on cluster Alpha. The example creates a python virtual environment, and installs the package torchvision with pip.

marie@login.alpha$ srun --nodes=1 --gres=gpu:1 --time=01:00:00 --pty bash
marie@alpha$ ws_allocate my_python_virtualenv 100    # use a workspace for the environment
marie@alpha$ cd /data/horse/ws/marie-my_python_virtualenv
[marie@alpha ]$ module load release/23.04 GCC/11.3.0 OpenMPI/4.1.4 CUDAcore/11.5.1 PyTorch/1.12.1
Module GCC/11.3.0, OpenMPI/4.1.4, CUDAcore/11.5.1, PyTorch/1.12.1 and 58 dependencies loaded.
[marie@alpha ]$ which python
[marie@alpha ]$ pip list
[marie@alpha ]$ python -m venv --system-site-packages my-torch-env
created virtual environment in 3621ms
  creator CPython3Posix(dest=/data/horse/ws/marie/marie-my_python_virtualenv/my-torch-env, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=True)
  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/h0/marie/.local/share/virtualenv)
    added seed packages: pip==23.3.2, setuptools==69.0.3, wheel==0.42.0
  activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator
[marie@alpha ]$ source my-torch-env/bin/activate
(my-torch-env) [marie@alpha ]$ pip install torchvision==0.12.0
Collecting torchvision==0.12.0
Successfully installed torch-1.11.0 torchvision-0.12.0
(my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ python -c "import torchvision; print(torchvision.__version__)"
(my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ deactivate

Persistence of Python Virtual Environment

To persist a virtualenv, you can store the names and versions of installed packages in a file. Then you can restore this virtualenv by installing the packages from this file. Use the pip freeze command for storing:

(env) marie@compute$ pip freeze > requirements.txt    #Store the currently installed packages

In order to recreate python virtual environment, use the pip install command to install the packages from the file:

marie@compute$ module load Python    #Load default Python
marie@compute$ python -m venv --system-site-packages /data/horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/env_post  #Create virtual environment
marie@compute$ source /data/horse/ws/marie-python_virtual_environment/env/bin/activate    #Activate virtual environment. Example output: (env_post) bash-4.2$
(env_post) marie@compute$ pip install -r requirements.txt    #Install packages from the created requirements.txt file

Conda Virtual Environment

!!! We were informed that the manufacturer of Anaconda has changed its license conditions and that the use of Anaconda/conda is also subject to licensing at universities with more than 200 employees. The TU Dresden does not plan to procure a license centrally.

Prerequisite: Before working with conda, your shell needs to be configured initially. Therefore login to the ZIH system, load the Anaconda module and run source $EBROOTANACONDA3/etc/profile.d/ Note that you must run the previous command each time you want to activate your virtual environment and they are not automatically loaded after re-opening your shell.


We recommend to not use the conda init command, since it may cause unexpected behavior when working with the ZIH system.

marie@compute$ module load Anaconda3    #load Anaconda module
Module Anaconda3/2019.03 loaded.
marie@compute$ sh $EBROOTANACONDA3/etc/profile.d/    #init conda

This example shows how to start working with conda and virtual environment (with using module system). At first, we use an interactive job and create a directory for the conda virtual environment:

marie@compute$ ws_allocate conda_virtual_environment 1
Info: creating workspace.

Then, we load Anaconda, create an environment in our directory and activate the environment:

marie@compute$ module load Anaconda3    #load Anaconda module
marie@compute$ conda create --prefix /data/horse/ws/marie-conda_virtual_environment/conda-env python=3.6    #create virtual environment with Python version 3.6
marie@compute$ conda activate /data/horse/ws/marie-conda_virtual_environment/conda-env    #activate conda-env virtual environment

Now you can work in this isolated environment, without interfering with other tasks running on the system. Note that the inscription (conda-env) at the beginning of each line represents that you are in the virtual environment. You can deactivate the conda environment as follows:

(conda-env) marie@compute$ conda deactivate    #Leave the virtual environment


When installing conda packages via conda install, ensure to have enough main memory requested in your job allocation.


We do not recommend to use conda environments together with EasyBuild modules due to dependency conflicts. Nevertheless, if you need EasyBuild modules, consider installing conda packages via conda install --no-deps [...] to prevent conda from installing dependencies.


This is an example on cluster Alpha. The example creates a conda virtual environment, and installs the package torchvision with conda.

marie@login.alpha$ srun --nodes=1 --gres=gpu:1 --time=01:00:00 --pty bash
marie@alpha$ ws_allocate my_conda_virtualenv 100    # use a workspace for the environment
marie@alpha$ cd /data/horse/ws/marie-my_conda_virtualenv
marie@alpha$ module load Anaconda3
Module Anaconda3/2022.05 loaded.
marie@alpha$ conda create --prefix my-torch-env python=3.8
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done
Proceed ([y]/n)? y
marie@alpha$ source $EBROOTANACONDA3/etc/profile.d/
marie@alpha$ conda activate my-torch-env
(my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ conda install -c pytorch torchvision
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
(my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ which python    # ensure to use the correct Python
(my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ python -c "import torchvision; print(torchvision.__version__)"
(my-torch-env) marie@alpha$ conda deactivate

Persistence of Conda Virtual Environment

To persist a conda virtual environment, you can define an environments.yml file. Have a look a the conda docs for a description of the syntax. See an example for the environments.yml file below.

name: workshop_env
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python>=3.7
- pip
- colorcet
- 'geoviews-core=1.8.1'
- 'ipywidgets=7.6.*'
- geopandas
- hvplot
- pyepsg
- python-dotenv
- 'shapely=1.7.1'
- pip:
    - python-hll

After specifying the name, the conda channel priority is defined. In the example above, packages will be first installed from the conda-forge channel, and if not found, from the default Anaconda channel.

Below, dependencies can be specified. Optionally, pinning can be used to delimit the packages installed to compatible package versions.

Finally, packages not available on conda can be specified (indented) below - pip:

Recreate the conda virtual environment with the packages from the created environment.yml file:

marie@compute$ mkdir /data/horse/ws/marie-conda_virtual_environment/conda-env    #Create directory for environment
marie@compute$ module load Anaconda3    #Load Anaconda
marie@compute$ conda config --set channel_priority strict
marie@compute$ conda env create --prefix /data/horse/ws/marie-conda_virtual_environment/conda-env --file environment.yml    #Create conda env in directory with packages from environment.yml file