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We provide a GitLab Runner that allows you to run a GitLab pipeline on the ZIH systems. With that you can continuously build, test, and benchmark your HPC software in the target environment.


Setup process

  1. Open your repository in the browser.

  2. Hover Settings and then click on CI/CD

    Hover *Settings* and then click on *CI/CD*

  3. Expand the Runners section

    *Expand* the *Runners* section

  4. Copy the registration token

    Copy the *registration token*

  5. Now, you can request the registration of your repository with the HPC-Support. In the ticket, you need to add the URL of the GitLab repository and the registration token.


At the moment, only repositories hosted at the TU Chemnitz GitLab are supported.

GitLab pipelines

As the ZIH provides the CI/CD as an GitLab runner, you can run any pipeline already working on other runners with the CI/CD at the ZIH systems. This also means, to configure the actual steps performed once your pipeline runs, you need to define the .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your repository. There is a comprehensive documentation and a reference for the .gitlab-ci.yml file available at every GitLab instance. There's also a quick start guide.

The main difference to other GitLab runner is that every pipeline jobs will be scheduled as an individual HPC job on the ZIH systems. Therefore, an important aspect is the possibility to set Slurm parameters. While scheduling jobs allows to run code directly on the target system, it also means that a single pipeline has to wait for resource allocation. Hence, you want to restrict, which commits will run the complete pipeline, or which commits only run a part of the pipeline.

Passing Slurm parameters

You can pass Slurm parameters via the variables keyword, either globally for the whole yaml file, or on a per-job base.

Use the variable SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS and define the same parameters you would use for srun or sbatch.


The parameters --job-name, --output, and --wait are handled by the GitLab runner and must not be used. If used, the run will fail.


Make sure to set the --account such that the allocation of HPC resources is accounted correctly.


The following YAML file defines a configuration section .test-job, and two jobs, test-job-haswell and test-job-power9, extending from that. The two job share the before_script, script, and after_script configuration, but differ in the SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS. The test-job-haswell and test-job-power9 are scheduled on the partition haswell and partition power9, respectively.

    - date
    - pwd
    - hostname
    - date
    - pwd
    - hostname
    - date
    - pwd
    - hostname

extends: .test-job

extends: .test-job

Current limitations

  • Every runner job is currently limited to one hour. Once this time limit passes, the runner job gets canceled regardless of the requested runtime from Slurm. This time includes the waiting time for HPC resources.

Pitfalls and Recommendations

  • While the before_script and script array of commands are executed on the allocated resources, the after_script runs on the GitLab runner node. We recommend that you do not use after_script.

  • It is likely that all your runner jobs will be executed in a slightly different directory on the shared filesystem. Some build systems, for example CMake, expect that the configure and build is executed in the same directory. In this case, we recommend to use one job for configure and build.